My dad, who is 89 years old, had his second TIA almost three weeks ago. A TIA is a temporary mini-stroke where you have the effects of a stroke but you recover your abilities in a short period of time. The first stoke he had in May and he was in the hospital for just a few days with follow up therapy at home. This stroke was more severe and he was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital for a week. This recovery was harder than the first but he has recovered well enough to go home with continued therapy again at home.
The evening his second stroke happened, his symptoms were quite severe and I went to bed wondering if that was the last day I would have my real dad. There were no warning signs that day that his would happen. It just did. This reminds me of the verse in the Book of James which says that we don't know what will happen tomorrow. How true that was for me and my family that day. Life can change in a moment. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. We don't know what will happen today. So appreciate every day as the gift that it is. Appreciate life as the gift from God that it is.
The evening his second stroke happened, his symptoms were quite severe and I went to bed wondering if that was the last day I would have my real dad. There were no warning signs that day that his would happen. It just did. This reminds me of the verse in the Book of James which says that we don't know what will happen tomorrow. How true that was for me and my family that day. Life can change in a moment. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. We don't know what will happen today. So appreciate every day as the gift that it is. Appreciate life as the gift from God that it is.